90 minutes of the best running music

Running with music? Try this running playlist we made on your next run

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

Unless you’re one of the rare few who prefer silence while they run, we hardly need to make a case for running with music. Running with music on as part companion and part motivator never gets old no matter how many times you’ve done it. Perhaps this is partly because, well, it’s impossible to actually run out of new music to listen to. But sometimes it’s exactly the myriad choices that can prove to be an extra obstacle even before you hit the tracks. So we thought we’d save you the hassle by giving you a playlist of some of our favorite releases you can listen to during your next run.

Categories: Run
Catherine Orda: Catherine Orda is the in-house copy editor of Hinge Inquirer and is the former content creator of Multisport.ph and F&B Report.