Video: Foam rolling moves to fix your form

Video by Nicco Santos

How to maximize your recovery days? Foam roll. 

Foam rolling with stretching will improve your recovery day more compared to just a regular static stretching routine. Dehydration, overuse, and trauma form scar tissues and adhesion that inhibit muscular strength and flexibility. Foam rolling helps restore tissue elasticity, fluidity, and function resulting in pain reduction, injury prevention and performance enhancement. Try these moves out and see how your flexibility and mobility will improve. 

Categories: Exercise Videos
Eric Salta: Eric Nicole Salta is an editor who has handled multiple brands and written stories that span the spectrum of journalism—from food and lifestyle to sports and music. He is currently the senior editorial manager of Scout, Preen, Nolisoli, F&B Report, and Multisport. He is also a massive tennis fan but has since retired from the sport.