Because bicycles = freedom
Premium design, two-week battery life and 100+ workout modes—the right smartwatch features can ease you back into exercising in no time
Answering gear questions is a competition itself
Not long ago, they were just a group of cyclists who would commute to work or meet up for morning rides
Sunglasses are as much a part of a cyclist’s kit as a jersey or shorts
Did you know that selecting cycling apparel is just as important as knowing the safety guidelines?
My new sustainable mobility initiative: If I can bike instead of taking a car, I’ll take the bike. If I can walk instead of taking the bike, I’ll walk
Bikes might just be the solution to EDSA traffic in the future
Here are important reminders every cyclist must know
How to transform Metro Manila into a bike-friendly city
by Eric Saltaby Eric SaltaCommitting to cycling as a legitimate form of commuting? Count us in
The 2020 Tour de France is expected to be the most difficult one in years
Overall, cycling improves health
The Rotary Club of Cebu is on a mission to end polio
Video: Ines Santiago, Manny Mondero prove that anything is possible
by Eric Saltaby Eric SaltaWant to overcome the odds? Learn from these two triathletes
The bike kit may seem intimidating but it doesn’t always have to be
Some words of advice from Matteo Guidicelli
The two-wheel journey traverses 42 kilometers across Batangas
Watch as Matteo Guidicelli plays an interesting question quiz with us
Setting up a smart trainer is not as complicated as you think
Because riding hills, eating right, and correcting your bike position make for really good bike rides